This morning I had my black yoga pants on, a gray shirt and grabbed my light black jacket. Then of course I was wearing dark sunglasses as the sun was definitely out in full force. Standard dress for a woman barely awake and a little chilly with the air conditioner on.
We chatted on the way as I noted how attentive Bella was to everything we passed. As we neared the military gate entry, I patted Bella on the head and spoke softly that she needed to keep her cool. Last time she gave out little barks at the guard looking at Chris's ID to allow us on base so I wanted to try to eliminate that this time. We are moving to Australia and will be leaving downtown so I am attempting to curve her behavior.
Previously, Chris would always show his retired military ID and the gate guards would always salute him since he is a retired officer. Lately, Chris has been just showing his contractor ID and here at this base, they do not normally ask for my ID. It seems to be different at every base.
But today was much more interesting.....
Bella is a Jack Russell Terrier and we have teased on many occasions that she is a Jack Russell "Terrorist" because of her very aggressive bullying of Bodhi. Bodhi normally handles her well and will stop her bullying when Bodhi has had enough. We joke about it and have even used the term Terrorist to describe her such as saying "yeah, we have a little J R terrorist but we still love her".....
So we pull up, Chris hands the guard his contractor ID, and of course Bella lets out a little bark. I pet her while at the same time Chris says to the guard, "Yeah, she's a terrorist".
Then of course, the guard looks at me, then at Chris and asks...."Do you have another ID"?.....Then he asks me for mine while he says....."Do either of you have a retired military ID"?
I hand him mine and he lets us through.
Then it occurred to me......Did he think Chris was referring to Bella or ME? LOL....
I look at my side mirror and I see a blond with dark clothing and dark sun glasses! Then I giggle to Chris that maybe we should not call Bella a Terrorist anymore and maybe I should wear more colors.