Being from the south and being a country girl, I have planted a few seeds. Begrudgingly when I was young. Now with pleasure as an adult. It is just too bad I can't remember when to plant, what to fertilize the seeds with, or how much water to give. I know when to weed. That would be anytime something other than the desired plants pops up. And of course, most times I can tell when to harvest. Anytime the fruit looks yummy. The days are getting warmer and planting season has begun. Trees are budding and flowers are blooming. I have chosen the seeds I want to sow.
The seed of love is first to go in this spring. I have planted it all year long but this ground around me needs an extra dose. I felt it at a recent wedding seeing so many people I have been close to in the past but haven't seen in so long that I wasn't sure if they were willing to share their love. They were. It helped me remember that no matter how far or distant you may have been with someone close, you can always make some time to connect when the opportunity presents itself. So with love, I plant the seeds that have been given to me back into ground to let it sprout more. It won't go to waste. If hatred pops up, I will tenderly weed it out. As love blooms, I will embrace the lovely colors and smells.
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