Monday, October 5, 2015

Watch me whip?

Watch me Whip!

Good morning! Monday morning. Cool and yet I am still walking around in shorts, t-shirts, and flip flops. Wore a long sleeve flannel shirt last night on our doggie walk but could have gone without it. Lots of work on the pool and yard this weekend and on into the week. Southern living has got me out and about. I loved Alaska and all it views but am so thankful to be outside more now in a warmer climate.

Talked to an old friend recently. She has gone through so much the last year or so. I think a road trip to the Atlanta area to see her would be a good way to start some reconnecting. When small things happen in your life and you make mountains out of them.....look to a friend who is having health changes in their life or have lost family close to them. Your take on that small thing becomes a mole hill instead of a mountain

And just so you can giggle....I tried to do this quick exercise that two young girls were doing. Need a little work on that midsection!

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